I don’t know about you, but I’m hooked on podcasts, and I listen to them quite a bit when I’m at work. It makes a long day go by faster to be able to listen to stories and get information on various topics while I’m editing photos for my job.
There are podcasts on a variety of topics, but the ones I will focus on here is those that relate to D&D and RPGs. There are a lot of different programs where you can find podcasts, but I’m going to use iTunes for my links. If you don’t use iTunes, you can search for the podcast name in your favorite podcast app.
For people who are interested in getting some inspiration for writing an adventure module, you will find that a-plenty with the official D&D Dragon Talk. The show is hosted by Greg Tito and Shelly Mazzanoble, and features guests like D&D lead designer, Chris Perkins, who often does a segment called “Lore You Should Know.” (LYSK) Each week there is a different guest, so there is always something new and exciting.
If you are not looking for general talk, maybe you’d like to listen to a podcast highlighting actual game play? I’d like to suggest You Meet In a Tavern. If you’ve been around D&D for long, you probably know the old adage about new adventures starting with the party meeting each other in a tavern. This group of three friends, (Kirk, Jamal and Bryan) share their adventures on a bi-weekly basis with their 5E campaign. They’ve been doing so for over a year, so there are quite a few episodes that you can listen to.
If you’d like to try a podcast spotlighting gameplay that is newer, please check out FGC Community member Atua’s AdLib&D. This homebrow 5E ampaign has the “Dodgy Brothers” traveling around this unique world. This is also a twitch stream, but for listeners to the podcast version, people can visit Blood ‘n Tears’ discord server, called The Filthy Pig Inn and Tavern and vote for a scenario to be used in an upcoming episode. He is based in the Australian time zone, so stop in and say G’Day.
Last, but not least, another fun weekly podcast with gameplay features DM Chris Perkins (again, I mention him. He is a favorite of mine. :D) with the Waffle Crew, and their adventures across the Forgotten Realms. This campaign, also a Twitch Stream has been on for quite a while, and started with “The Curse of Strahd” and is currently in Waterdeep. The players are really good together and compliment each other nicely. You’ll be sure to laugh out loud at some of their antics.
Well, that’s all my recommendations for now. I realize I haven’t spotlighted any non-5E campaigns. If you have any suggestions for me, please email LadyShel and enlighten me with your suggestions. Always looking for new podcasts to listen to.
We at Fantasy Grounds College are fans of the Fantasy Grounds program, and advocate its use in playing D&D and other RPGs online. We are not affiliated or officially endorsed by SmiteWorks USA LLC or Fantasy Grounds.