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- El legado y el futuro de la tecnología de IA.
En el intrincado entramado del avance tecnológico moderno, la inteligencia artificial (IA) emerge como un arma de doble filo, con el potencial de alterar los paradigmas tradicionales y desbloquear oportunidades sin precedentes. Esta era de evolución digital, que recuerda los cambios sísmicos provocados por la revolución del MP3 y la democratización de los medios a través de tecnologías de grabación personal, presenta un panorama complejo de desafíos y posibilidades. Mientras navegamos por este terreno, es crucial abordar la IA no como una fuerza polarizadora sino como una herramienta para la mejora y la innovación. El desarrollo y la integración de la IA en nuestro tejido social han desencadenado un espectro de respuestas, desde temores de robo de arte y plagio hasta optimismo por su aplicación para resolver desafíos médicos y técnicos críticos. Estas diversas perspectivas reflejan el impacto multifacético de la IA, y recuerdan los miedos y aspiraciones que han acompañado a los avances tecnológicos a lo largo de la historia. El discurso en torno a la IA, al igual que el diálogo que rodeó la llegada de la automatización robótica y personalidades de la IA como Siri, revela tensiones subyacentes entre el progreso tecnológico y la preservación de los valores humanos. Mientras nos encontramos al borde de esta frontera digital, es imperativo abordar la IA con una perspectiva equilibrada, reconociendo su capacidad para transformar industrias y enriquecer las experiencias humanas, reconociendo al mismo tiempo las consideraciones éticas, legales y sociales que implica. En este contexto, el respeto por la comunidad creativa y el reconocimiento del potencial transformador de la IA no son mutuamente excluyentes. Las preocupaciones de los artistas y creadores sobre la integridad de su trabajo en un panorama impulsado por la IA son válidas y merecen una cuidadosa consideración. Al mismo tiempo, la adopción de la tecnología de inteligencia artificial por parte de innovadores y visionarios de todos los campos subraya un compromiso compartido para explorar nuevos horizontes de logros humanos. Por lo tanto, mientras trazamos nuestro rumbo a través de la narrativa en evolución de la IA, esforcémonos por lograr una síntesis de respeto por la creatividad humana y apertura a la innovación tecnológica. Al fomentar un diálogo que valore la diversidad de pensamiento y fomente la gestión ética de la IA, podemos aprovechar su potencial para mejorar el tejido de nuestra experiencia humana compartida. Al hacerlo, abrazamos un futuro donde la tecnología y la creatividad convergen, allanando el camino hacia un mundo enriquecido por todo el espectro de la inteligencia humana y artificial. Para abordar el complejo y multifacético tema de la inteligencia artificial (IA) en la sociedad moderna, dividámoslo en preguntas y respuestas clave que profundizan en sus oportunidades, desafíos e impacto. ¿Qué es la Inteligencia Artificial (IA)? La IA se refiere al desarrollo de sistemas informáticos que pueden realizar tareas que normalmente requieren inteligencia humana. Estas tareas incluyen aprendizaje, toma de decisiones, reconocimiento de voz y traducción de idiomas. ¿Cómo actúa la IA como arma de doble filo? La IA es un arma de doble filo porque ofrece el potencial de revolucionar las industrias y mejorar nuestra vida diaria, pero también presenta importantes desafíos éticos, legales y sociales. Por ejemplo, si bien la IA puede mejorar los resultados de la atención sanitaria mediante análisis predictivos, también genera preocupaciones sobre el desplazamiento laboral y la privacidad. ¿Se puede comparar el impacto de la IA con los avances tecnológicos del pasado? Sí, el impacto de la IA es similar al de revoluciones tecnológicas pasadas, como la revolución del MP3, que transformó la industria musical, o el auge de las tecnologías de grabación personal, que democratizaron la producción de medios. Al igual que estas tecnologías del pasado, la IA altera los paradigmas existentes y al mismo tiempo abre nuevas oportunidades. ¿Cuáles son las principales preocupaciones en torno a la IA? Las principales preocupaciones incluyen cuestiones éticas, como la posibilidad de que la IA perpetúe los sesgos; desafíos legales, como derechos de autor y cuestiones de responsabilidad; e impactos sociales, como el desplazamiento laboral y las preocupaciones sobre la privacidad. ¿Cómo podemos equilibrar las oportunidades y los desafíos de la IA? Equilibrar las oportunidades y los desafíos de la IA implica fomentar el diálogo abierto, garantizar el desarrollo y el uso éticos de la IA e implementar marcos legales sólidos para proteger a las personas y a la sociedad. También requiere invertir en educación y capacitación para preparar a la fuerza laboral para los cambios impulsados por la IA. ¿Por qué es importante interactuar positivamente con la IA? Interactuar positivamente con la IA es crucial porque nos permite aprovechar su potencial para resolver problemas críticos, desde el cambio climático hasta la atención sanitaria. Al centrarnos en el desarrollo ético y las políticas inclusivas, podemos mitigar los riesgos y garantizar que la IA beneficie a la sociedad en su conjunto. ¿Cómo puede la comunidad creativa navegar en un panorama impulsado por la IA? La comunidad creativa puede navegar en un panorama impulsado por la IA abogando por leyes que protejan la propiedad intelectual, explorando nuevas formas de colaboración con la IA y utilizando la IA como herramienta para la expresión creativa. También es importante participar en debates sobre el uso ético de la IA en los campos creativos. ¿Qué futuro podemos imaginar con la IA? Podemos imaginar un futuro en el que la IA y la creatividad humana coexistan y se mejoren mutuamente. En este futuro, la IA podría resolver problemas complejos mientras los humanos se centran en tareas creativas, estratégicas e interpersonales, lo que conduciría a un rico tejido de inteligencia humana y artificial trabajando juntas para el avance de la sociedad. ¡Veremos qué nos depara el futuro!
- Mastering Fantasy Grounds Unity: Your Ultimate Guide to Content Creation and Customization
A Comprehensive Guide to Creating Custom Content in FG Unity Introduction: Creating custom content for the Fantasy Grounds Unity (FGU) platform can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, allowing you to tailor your campaigns to your unique preferences and requirements. This comprehensive guide will provide insights into the approach, organization, expectations, and best practices for creating custom content in FGU. Approach and Reality of Content Creation Content creation in FGU can range from basic editing to full-fledged world-building, depending on your needs and familiarity with the platform. The process of creating custom content typically involves three stages: a. Casual User: Engages in character creation, plays games, and explores some GM content. b. Average User: Runs published content, dabbles in content creation, and imports third-party assets. c. Advanced User: Builds custom content, imports tailored content, and develops extensions to improve gameplay. Understanding your position on this spectrum will help you set realistic expectations for your content creation journey. Organization and Best Practices To maintain an efficient and streamlined content creation process, adhere to these organizational best practices: a. Create content in a separate campaign. b. Preview custom content separately to avoid cross-linking issues. c. Organize exported versions of content by moving older versions away from the main FG Module folder. d. Implement version control by assigning unique names and version numbers to each exported version. Expectations and Time Investment Time and commitment play significant roles in determining the outcome of your content creation process. Be prepared to invest ample time in learning the FGU platform and the intricacies of your chosen ruleset. Additionally, be patient with yourself; becoming proficient in FGU can be a long-term endeavor. Resources and Learning Materials Leverage available resources, such as the official Fantasy Grounds Developer Guide (https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/996644285/Developer+Guide), to enhance your content creation skills. This guide covers essential topics like content creation guidelines, module organization, art and assets, writing and formatting, compatibility and testing, and commercial content development. Embracing Change and Adaptation As FGU is a growing and evolving platform, be prepared to adapt to changes and updates over time. This may involve updating or removing content as necessary to ensure compatibility with the latest FGU features and functions. More Resources In addition to the resources mentioned earlier, consider exploring the following helpful resources and communities to further support your content creation journey in Fantasy Grounds Unity: Fantasy Grounds Academy: This community-driven platform offers a wide range of tutorials, videos, and resources for learning and mastering FGU. Find them at https://fantasygroundsacademy.net/. Fantasy Grounds Forums: Engage with other FGU users and find answers to your questions by participating in discussions on the official Fantasy Grounds forums: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/. Fantasy Grounds YouTube Channel: The official YouTube channel features a variety of tutorials and showcases that can help you get started and improve your content creation skills: https://www.youtube.com/c/FantasyGrounds/. Fantasy Grounds Forge: Browse and download a collection of user-created extensions and modules to enhance your FGU experience and inspire your content creation projects: https://forge.fantasygrounds.com/. Conclusion By utilizing these resources and actively engaging with the Fantasy Grounds Unity community, you can further develop your content creation skills, stay up-to-date with the latest platform updates, and continuously improve your custom content for the most immersive and enjoyable gaming experience. You can embark on a rewarding and enjoyable content creation journey by understanding the approach, organization, expectations, and best practices for creating custom content in Fantasy Grounds Unity. Utilize available resources and remain patient with yourself as you learn and grow within the FGU platform, creating high-quality content that enhances your gaming experience.
- Adventurers League on Fantasy Grounds
*This article is current as of 7/5/2022. The Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Adventurers League (AL) organized play program is updated regularly by Wizards of the Coast. Please check the link for changes. https://dnd.wizards.com/ddal_general The Adventurers League Program The D&D AL program was introduced by Wizards of the Coast in 2014 under the program originally titled D&D Expeditions. (Fandom 2022) Expeditions (EX), and later AL after season 3, were tie-ins to the recently released hardcover adventures. For example, Season 1 of EX tied in with the Tyranny of Dragons hardcovers while Season 9 of AL tied in with the Descent Into Avernus hardcover. Each season brought with it an updated Players Guide and Dungeon Masters Guide. FAQs, AL legal adventure guides, and other documents may be released as well. Later AL split into different Campaigns; Forgotten Realms, Oracle of War (Eberron), Misthunters (Ravenloft), and Critical Role. What You Need as a Player First, players must have Fantasy Grounds downloaded and updated prior to their game start time. The table they are playing at will require either a Standard License or Free Demo License to connect. If your game listing is not clear reach out to the event organizer/DM for clarification. Players also need a level-appropriate character for the adventure they are going to play and an AL Player Log for that character for DM review. Characters are ideally created in Fantasy Grounds, but most DM’s find a DnD Beyond link or even pdf acceptable; players must coordinate with their DM PRIOR to the game starting on what format they are going to provide. Pre-generated characters may be provided as well. Although not required it is recommended that players own the references they used for their character on Fantasy Grounds. If a player does not have the material for Fantasy Grounds the burden is not on the DM to purchase the material for use in the game. Players without the reference material will find their characters are playable in Fantasy Grounds but may not have all the bells and whistles that they expect. What You Need as a DM DM’s must either have a Standard or Ultimate license of Fantasy Grounds. When games are listed it must be clear to the players what license they need to connect to the table. With Fantasy Grounds DMs already have access to the D&D 5e Basic Rules and SRD content. They only need to purchase an adventure to run an AL legal game. That’s right, besides an FG license the DM only needs an adventure. Why is that? Because the adventure whether purchased from the Fantasy Grounds web store, Steam, or DM’s Guild contains all the NPC and Item records that will be used for your session along with the story and maps. Most AL modules cost between $4.99 and $5.99 U.S. Adventure modules are released for AL legal play as pdfs on DMsGuild.com. Once released as pdf then the author may authorize that the adventure is sold with a converted Fantasy Grounds module. Or the module may be converted for sale on the Fantasy Grounds web store and Steam. No matter where or how you own the adventure it can be run in Fantasy Grounds. If the DM only owns the pdf there is no need to do a 100% conversion to Fantasy Grounds, but it sure is nice once you have it. The module can be run directly off the pdf using Fantasy Grounds for dice rolls and theater of the mind; or a hybrid method of just getting maps, images, and encounters in Fantasy Grounds and reading the text from the pdf for increased automation and immersion. It is solely at the discretion of the DM on how they want to run it. Campaign Types As mentioned previously there are four main campaigns. Though three of them seem to have an expiration on how long content is released by Wizards of the Coast. Characters made for a specific campaign must remain in that campaign. The first campaign is the main ongoing campaign called Forgotten Realms (FR). Most AL legal modules were created for this setting. It does not matter what season the adventure is from as long as it is in the FR campaign setting a player can play their FR character (level limits apply). The next campaign that was released is the Oracle of War campaign in the Eberon setting. The third is the Misthunters campaign set in the Ravenloft setting. Both Oracle of War and Misthunters are wrapped up. The fourth campaign is the Critical Role. It was run exclusively from the Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount and Call of the Netherdeep adventure hardcovers, no exclusive adventure modules were released to date. Adventure Types AL legal adventures are either run from an adventure module released on the DMs Guild or from the campaign hardcover book. Most individual FR AL adventures from past seasons contain the prefix DDEX or DDAL for the reasons described above. You may also find adventures with the prefix CCC, DRW or WBW-DC which are authorized FR adventures. Misthunters start with the prefix RMH and Oracle of War starts with the prefix EB. Again, if they are the DM’s Guild website then they should be legal for play. Reporting AL uses individually filled-out log sheets and the honor system for organized play reporting. The community is charged with holding each other accountable. DM’s could ask to see Player Logs and event organizers could ask to see DM logs. It is not required, and we tend to only see these interactions when something comes into question. References Fandom. 2022. Adventurers League. July 5. https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Adventurers_League.
- Discord for RPGs: How the Best Communication App is Revolutionizing Gaming
Discord: The Ultimate Communication App for RPG Enthusiasts- Discord is a popular and highly versatile communication app that has become the go-to platform for much role-playing game (RPG) enthusiasts. Its seamless integration of voice, video, and chat capabilities has transformed how people communicate and play games online. In this article, we will explore why Discord has become the preferred app for RPG players and how it is used in role-playing and organizing groups and games. Why Discord Is The Ideal App For RPG Players Discord's popularity among RPG enthusiasts is due to several reasons. First, the app is free and easy to use, with desktop and mobile versions available. This makes it accessible for all levels of technical proficiency. Second, Discord is highly versatile, offering a range of communication tools that include voice and video chat, text messaging, and screen sharing. This versatility allows for seamless communication during gameplay, even across different games. Third, Discord is highly customizable, allowing users to create unique communities with personalized features such as custom emotes, roles, and permissions. Finally, Discord offers robust security features that include end-to-end encryption, two-factor authentication, and IP masking, which ensures that players' information and conversations are kept secure and private. Using Discord in Role-Playing Discord's many features make it ideal for role-playing. Players use Discord to enhance their role-playing experience by utilizing voice and video chat, text channels, custom emotes, and bot integration. Voice and video chat capabilities allow players to talk in real time, enhancing the immersive experience of role-playing. Text channels are available for in-game communication, role-playing, and sharing resources such as character sheets, maps, and reference materials. Custom emotes add fun and humor to the game, and bot integration can automate various aspects, such as rolling dice, generating random events, or tracking character stats. Finally, role and permission management features allow game masters to manage player access and permissions, ensuring a smooth and organized gameplay experience. Organizing Groups and Games on Discord Discord's organization and management features make it an ideal platform for organizing groups and games. Discord allows game masters to create dedicated servers to communicate and play with their groups. Voice and text channels can manage gameplay, discussions, and resources. Role and permission management features allow game masters to control access to different media and ensure that only authorized players can access sensitive information. Discord bots can schedule games and send players reminders, ensuring everyone is on the same page and ready to play. Finally, customization features such as custom emotes and roles allow game masters to create a sense of community and enhance the social aspects of the game. Discord's Limitations While Discord is an ideal app for RPG players, it does have some limitations. Changing specific settings in Discord can cause other locations to be reset, depending on what was changed. For example, changing the default audio device or selecting a particular headset audio setting can impact different audio-related settings. Additionally, like any online communication platform, Discord's performance can be affected by several factors, such as the strength and stability of your internet connection, the processing power of your device, and the number of users on the server. To minimize these issues, it's recommended that you have a reliable and fast internet connection and use Discord on a device with sufficient processing power and resources. Conclusion Discord has become the go-to app for RPG enthusiasts due to its versatility, customization, security, and ease of use. Its features have made it an essential tool for communicating and playing games online, especially for the RPG community. Its organization and management features make it easy to organize groups and fun, providing a seamless and enjoyable experience. Despite some limitations, Discord is an essential app for any RPG player looking to enhance their role-playing experience and organize their groups and games in a secure and user-friendly manner. To start using Discord for your RPG games and other activities, visit the official Discord website at Discord's main website. Discord is an app that has revolutionized how RPG enthusiasts communicate and play games online. Its versatility, customization, security, and ease of use have made it the preferred choice for many players in the RPG community. By using Discord to enhance your role-playing experience, you can enjoy a more immersive, social, and engaging gaming experience with your friends and fellow players.
- Renaissance of the Game: A Vision for the Future of the Open DnD General License (ODGL) OGL reworked
ODGL=Open DnD General License "Renaissance of the Game: A Vision for the Future of the Open DnD General License (ODGL)" The future of the Open Game License (OGL) is in our hands, and it's time to take action to ensure its success. The best way to salvage this OGL mess is to sell the brand to companies that understand the game and the community. Companies like Kobold Press, Paizo, and others should have the opportunity to purchase the brand at a discounted price. As part of the deal, the current owner can offer assistance with distribution, movies, figures, toys, and physical products. However, that doesn't mean cutting out Hasbro completely. Instead, a partnership can be established where Hasbro is included in a residual distribution and physical products division for transportation, shipping contracts, international brokerage, logistical services, and a percentage of sales. This allows Hasbro to continue to be a part of the OGL while also allowing other companies to take the lead in the game's development and distribution. We must not hesitate in making the game more accessible in other languages and countries. For example, it should already be available in Chinese in China. Additionally, licenses should be brought back in good faith and honor, and the OSR crowd and classic TSR games should be incorporated into the new system. To bring the community back together, we must connect books, comics, figures, VTT platforms, and online portals through telemetry and affiliation. This would help unite the different genres and worlds that have been separated over the last 40 years. The corporate greed and misunderstandings of the past have divided the community enough, and it is time for a real RPG Renaissance. The goal should be to bring everyone together, not to create more in-fighting. With hard work and a united effort, the vision of a fun and profitable game can be achieved. International sales, employment, diversity of products, and formats would create enough work for most of the industry, if not all. The key is to remember that the game is supposed to be fun, and profit should not be the only goal. I know what to do, but not how to achieve it. We need to help each other out, and it starts with everyone of us and a more important and unifying idea. Together, we can make this happen. Let's work together to bring the community back together and create a game that is fun for everyone. The possibilities are endless, and the future is bright. Let's make it happen! Sincerely, Aaron
- Now Recruiting!
Attention! Now Recruiting for volunteers! The Fantasy Grounds Academy Discord community is looking for volunteers who are interested in helping the community maintain function as a place to get help, inspiration, and familiarity with the Fantasy Grounds Unity VTT platform. Orientation and training are available if needed. Please inquire within almost any Faculty volunteer can help direct you! https://discord.gg/Ew6nYyw (Fantasy Grounds Academy Discord invite Link) Some of the tertiary benefits are: 1.) Making a difference in the gaming community. 2.) Meet new potential players and GMs as well as occasionally meeting the development teams and publishers of your favorite rulesets. 3.) Learn the platform and broaden your understanding of the Fantasy Grounds Unity VTT platform 4.) Higher potential to find fellow players and GMs to play with in one shot or potentially long term campaigns. 5.) Evolve into a knowledgeable FGU user and possibly get into creating and building your own content for free or for sale on the FG Store/Forge. 6.) Teaching to learn and learning to teach others helps one build confidence, trust , and patience. 7.) Having fun and forming a positive hobby is very cathartic and beneficial for mental health and wellness. 8.) Learn from other GMs and content creators to help expand and solidify your own personal knowledge needs.* Happy Holidays and Happy Gaming folks! December 2022
- Fantasy Grounds Academy Founder's Day Weekend 5!
Founder's Day V, Friday-Sunday July 29th-31st! Another year has passed and once again we are celebrating our fifth year of service and engagement with the Fantasy Grounds community. This year we will take it easy and keep things simple. We will focus on what our community does best, and that is to provide helpful and useful content for the community as a whole to help inspire others to play their favorite games using the Fantasy Grounds Unity virtual tabletop application. If you are new to our community and you have not joined our Discord server, the server invite link is here. **We recommend that you use the Discord application or the phone app instead of the browser version for better integration, audio, and video use.** Types of potential Events (more information to come) Doug Davison & Smiteworks community invite. Fantasy Grounds Games & related community workshops. Industry guests, such as VTT Token artists & RPG Audio creator symposiums. Mystery Event? Guest List so far: Smiteworks: Doug Davison & the Smiteworks Social Media Team (Brad, Belle, & Bryce) Token Creators: Jan Loos, Dark Woulfe, Bernardo Hasselmann, & Devin Knight! Audio Apps & Studios: Monument Studios, Ben Loomis of Syrinscape, West Otis of Plate Mail Audio, and also community members Gwydion and Mattekure for FG audio integration.
- Fantasy Grounds Line of Sight (Los) Play Tips
Potential "token vision" and token selection confusion for GMs or players with multiple PCs. Make sure the lighting, line of sight, and player view options are enabled by unlocking a given map. (Graphic Part 1) Make sure NPCs are on the map and the combat tracker. The combat tracker does not automatically select the view of the next PC or NPC. (Graphic Part 2) As the GM or host, you have to manually select the token of the NPC or Player that you would like to view the map. The combat tracker keeps track of who's turn it is, not who has the vision you are looking through. Make sure that you are selecting the token you wish to see through, a second click 'de-selects token vision. The token selection behavior is by design, not accidental. The usage of the map tools takes some practice and some potential misunderstanding. By selecting a token, you are choosing to see the light/vision through that token's "eyes". You have to deselect to return to the "group" view when you control multiple tokens. Source: Line of Sight discussion on the FG Forums.
- Paizo Month Pathfinder & Starfinder RPGs!
Paizo Month-June 2022 There are some links for convenience for this community are below: Fantasy Grounds Ultimate License & two Paizo Core books for PF & SF FG modules raffle FREE: There is a Paizo FGU raffle going on now, FREE https://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/99be8c0637/?widget_template=5745bff404f50f8c0cf21a4e For the month of June, Paizo fans, gamers & GMs, come help celebrate the great content that both Smiteworks & Paizo share through the Fantasy Grounds Unity Platform. Try out either PF or SF through games, workshops, & a FG developer's symposium. Join our "Events" to sign up! - (Top Left corner of this Discord, click the banners to read, DO NOT click interested if you cannot attend.) Official Account Sync information: https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/996639425/Linking+with+External+Services+and+Applications#Sync-Your-Fantasy-Grounds-Account-To-Paizo Other Related Paizo Links: Latest Paizo SF Humble Bundle: https://www.humblebundle.com/books/starfinder-bugbuster-bundle-from-paizo-books FG Organized Play: Pathfinder & Starfinder Society PFS: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?71-Pathfinder-Society-Games SFS: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?106-Starfinder-Society-Games Recent and essential Fantasy Grounds content: FG Unity new PF Beginner Box : https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.php?id=PZOSMWPZO2106FG Paizo FG store filter: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/index.php?pub=43 (edited)